Gurindam 12 Fasal 5

by Raja Ali Haji (1808-1873) [two_first] This is the gurindam of the fifth issue: If you wish to know the people of high birth, in manners and speech are shown their worth. To know the people of happiness, avoid involvement in the meaningless. To know the man of high distinction, look upon his deeds and […]

Gurindam 12 Fasal 4

The 12 Gurindam of Raja Ali Haji ___________________________ This is the Gurindam of the fourth issue: Ini gurindam pasal yang keempat: The heart over the body rules all; if it oppresses, every part falls. Hati kerajaan di dalam tubuh, jikalau zalim segala anggota pun roboh. Whenever jealousy has been sown, shoot forth a multitude of […]