Raihan’s Sesungguhnya, in English

A translation of the classic nasheed Sesungguhnya by Raihan into English. [two_first] In truth this heart longs for You In truth this being longs for You Yet I cannot understand Why love still has not appeared Yet I cannot understand Why longing has not yet blossomed [/two_first][two_second] Sebenarnya hati ini cinta kepada Mu Sebenarnya diri […]

Climbing Mount Santubong

Mount Santubong looms ahead of my morning commute every morning, as it has for a dozen years. I’ve skirted the base of the mountain countless times, on the way to Damai beach or Sultan Tengah’s tomb, but I’d never made it to the top.  Not for lack of trying.  Two years ago, my son, my father […]

You can get used to anything

The hazy weather Kuching had the last few days made me think of an old song from my childhood. It’s by Fred Small, and it goes like this: YOU CAN GET USED Fred Small, 1976 Found on Home-Style Stone Soup: The Streetwax Recording Collective When I was a kid takin’ biology, I learned about man’s […]

Spelling Champions of Sarawak

The biggest annual national spelling tournament in Malaysia is Spell-It-Right. Starting early in the year, several of my daughters had participated in rounds starting within the school itself and moving to wider competitions from there.  Inattentive father that I am, I didn’t realize this was the big day, the State Finals, when I dropped Kak Yang […]