Masihkah Kau Ingat by Kopratasa,
a Malaysian popular music trio active in the late 1980s. This was perhaps their biggest hit, and still receives a lot of play on Malaysian radio.
Give it a listen:
Kopratasa – Masihkah Kau Ingat
[two_first]English translation by
Bin Gregory Productions.
Do you remember still
That single moment where
A blossom full in bloom
I placed within your hair
Do you remember still
Transformed into a dream
Longing to be with you
Do you remember still
Do you remember still
As we ran and ran
To the foot of the sky
The rainbows we chased
As the rain did come to fall
Together we were drenched
Do you remember still
Do you remember still
Do you remember still
The blossom on that day
In the palm of my hand
It did wilt away
As I closed my grasp
It did turn to dust
Do you remember still
Do you remember still (repeat to fade)
Original lyrics in Bahasa Malaysia:
Masihkah kau ingat
Pada waktu itu sekuntum bunga mekar
Kuselit ke rambutmuMasihkah kau ingat
Ia menjadi mimpi
dan menjadi rindu
Masihkah kau ingatMasihkah kau ingat
kita berlari-lari
di kaki langit
mencari pelangi
lalu hujan turun
kita basah bersamaMasihkah kau ingat
Masihkah kau ingatMasihkah kau ingat
sekuntum bunga itu
Ditapak tangan ini
Ia menjadi layu
Lalu kugengam
ia menjadi debu
Masihkah kau ingat
Masihkah kau ingatMasihkah kau ingat(8x)
Disclaimer: Lyrics and song link posted in the spirit of fair use and providing publicity to a non-BM-speaking audience. Copyright holder may contact BGP for removal requests at kopratasa@bingregory.com
Assalamu `alaikom
Thank you for the lyrics and translation. I’m trying to learn Malay and have been using nasyids as a source to pick up vocab. I’ve only been looking up words, but your translations make it easier to remember their meanings. JazakumUllah kol khair.
Salams from Egypt.
Wa alaykum salam! You’re welcome and good luck!