The Sixth Annual Brass Crescent Awards are open for voting. At first, you do it every day, sometimes even twice a day. As time goes by, it is less and less frequent until after many years, once or twice a month feels like a big accomplishment. Blogging! I’m talking about blogging of course. Although my blogging schedule has gotten more and more infrequent, I’ve never felt the urge to shut it down. In Malay, they have a saying that sums it up: “Hidup Segan, Mati Tak Mau”, roughly translated, “Too timid to live, but unwilling to die.” Seriously though, I’ve learned too much and met too many wonderful people from blogging to let it fade away completely.
Persisting is not much of an accomplishment, and yet I was recognized recently as the oldest continuously active Muslim blog! It’s not exactly true, but I’ll take it. And now the Brass Crescent Awards have come around again, with a special South East Asian category that has me as a nominee. As in years past, the BCA is a great way to find out about new muslim blogs that you may have overlooked. So visit the Awards, take a look around, and cast your votes for the most deserving blogs.
Official organ of an American Muslim in Malaysian Borneo, featuring plants, pantuns and pictures from the Malay archipelago. Oversharing since 2002.
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I’m glad to see you’re not giving up on it. I began to wonder when your blog disappeared recently. I’d like to see you stick around for a while. Besides, once everyone’s moved on to whatever the new fad will be, I want to be able to say someone reads my blog besides my mom. Haha!
I’m glad to see you’re not giving up on it. I began to wonder when your blog disappeared recently. I’d like to see you stick around for a while. Besides, once everyone’s moved on to whatever the new fad will be, I want to be able to say someone reads my blog besides my mom. Haha!