I’m vibing again off of Ideofact’s last post, where he mentions the particular Arabian region of Najd, the homeland of Ibn Abdul Wahhab. It reminded me of an article I read a while back at Masud Ahmed Khan’s excellent website. Written by Karim Fenari, it describes the narrations of the Holy Prophet
regarding that region:
Among the best-known of these hadiths is the relation of Imam al-Bukhari in which Ibn Umar said: ‘The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) mentioned: “O Allah, give us baraka in our Syria, O Allah, give us baraka in our Yemen.” They said: “And in our Najd?” and he said: “O Allah, give us baraka in our Syria, O Allah, give us baraka in our Yemen.” They said: “And in our Najd?” and I believe that he said the third time: “In that place are earthquakes, and seditions, and in that place shall rise the devil’s horn [qarn al-shaytan].”’This hadith is clearly unpalatable to the Najdites themselves, some of whom to this day strive to persuade Muslims from more reputable districts that the hadith does not mean what it clearly says.
The article continues on describing the numerous hadiths about Najd and about the tribe of Tamim, from which Ibn Abdul Wahhab descends:
An attribute recurrently ascribed to the Tamimites in the hadith literature is that of misplaced zeal. When they finally enter Islam, they are associated with a fanatical form of piety that demands simple and rigid adherence, rather than understanding; and which frequently defies the established authorities of the religion. Imam Muslim records a narration from Abdallah ibn Shaqiq which runs: ‘Ibn Abbas once preached to us after the asr prayer, until the sun set and the stars appeared, and people began to say: “The prayer! The prayer!” A man of the Banu Tamim came up to him and said, constantly and insistently: “The prayer! The prayer!” And Ibn Abbas replied: “Are you teaching me the sunna, you wretch?”’ (Muslim, Salat al-Musafirin, 6.)
Ouch! The rest of the article is also very good, as are the other articles by Fenari and others in that section. I would particularly recommend The Wahhabi Who Loved Beauty.
Lagi best ...
There are other narrations about Banu Tamim which show them in bad light, in Sahih Muslim Bab Salaat al-Khawf it is narrated from Jabir Radhi Allaahu ‘anhu that a group of people belonging to Banu Tamim came to Rasoolullah Sallalaahu ‘Alyhi wa Sallam and Rasoolullah Sallalaahu ‘alyhi wa Sallam said to them, “Oh Banu Tamim accept the glad tidings”. They replied, “You have given glad tidings [what of that] give us some wealth”, they said this twice. Upon hearing this answer the Messenger of Allah’s face changed color. At the same time a group of Yemenis presented themselves, Rasoolullah Sallalaahu ‘Alyhi wa Sallam said to them, “Oh people of Yemen, Banu Tamim did not accept the glad tidings, you accept them”, they said, “Oh Messenger of Allah, we accept the glad tidings”.
However none of these ahadeeth can be used to label any particular Najdi as devient. There are good and evil people among all nations, you can’t say Shaykh Ibn Abdul Wahhaab was a wrong man because he was a Najdi, that’s no proof.